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Smart Food Gift Packaging Ideas

Presenting someone sweet treats and special foods that he/she likes most is the perfect & delicious gift. Preparing such things generally don't pose problem. What creates the headache is its packaging and presentation?

You should keep in mind that since these gifts are eatable and meant to be consumed, you must do your best to keep the packaging appetizing, appealing, and sanitary looking.
  • Never put the cookies together when they are warm, otherwise they stick and become distorted.
  • In case you've made candies that are in pieces, take your time to wrap all pieces individually in it's own square of waxed paper.
  • For wrapping try to avoid the colored food wraps, as they make the food look off.
  • You can give bread into a tin or tray box or in decorated paper bags, put into a clear plastic bag.
  • Stickier candies and treats such as barks and brittles should be layered with waxed paper so they do not form one big block of brittle.

If you have taken the time to cook up something special to give, you want it to look as scrumptious as it tastes. Here are some ideas on packaging your food gift from the kitchen.
  • A number of amazingly shaped jars, bottles, packing boxes, and cruets are available, that are relatively inexpensive and add to the presentation of your gift from the kitchen.
  • Adding proper tags to the gifts spells your love. You can purchase pretty packing labels & stickers to clearly specify your gift with the contents, usage and recommended shelf life. You can also make your own labels that look professional with the computer using downloadable labels.
  • A number of inexpensive gift bags are available in the market. Most of them are plastic-coated that make them a perfect choice for moist foods. You can always add your own ideas and design to these bags. You can make a peek window in these bags by cutting out any shape from the side of the bag and taping plastic wrap to cover the openings.
  • You can also use metal tins. They are available in different shapes, sizes, patterns, and colors.
  • Before putting the goodies in it, you can give it some designing look by lining the edges with non-reactive colored tissue papers. One thing to be noted is that moist foods should be wrapped in cellophane or plastic wrap.
  • Lidded clear plastic containers can also be used for packing foods and they are inexpensive too. They come in variety of colors. You can dress them up by gluing a paper skirt or fabric around the bottom.


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