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Brazing Safety Equipment

Brazing process exudes fumes, emissions and radiations that may be harmful for the people involved in conducting and managing. The people working in this industry are exposed to gases and harmful radiations that are exuded by the brazing of the base metals and the filler metals. The emissions can affect the workers, physically because of the sparking in the process and can cause respiration problems as well. Physically the body parts - nails, hair, eyes, skin - exposed to these sparking fumes and gases might get affected. Brazing safety measures should be adopted to combat these hazards.
To ensure complete working safety for the brazing workers, safety equipments have been developed. These equipments must be worn by the workers while conducting brazing. They save not just from the hazardous side effects, but also make it comfortable.

Leather Body Suit
A leather body suit is designed for people who are involved in bonding techniques like soldering, welding and brazing. It saves the body parts from sparks and heat caused by brazing. It is a made of non-flammable and heat resistant material. A body suit must be worn over the normal daily wear clothes for complete body protection.

Gloves are not included in the body suit. And should therefore be separately arranged for and worn. Gloves are very important as your hands are the amongst those parts of the body to the that are closest to the brazing area. Leather gloves are again heat and fire resistant, and a must safety equipment.

Just like gloves, shoes should also be made out a similar material. Apart from being close to the sparks, feet are also exposed to distant sparks flying down or any hot substances on the floor. Special shoe coverings keep the feet safe.

Brazing Glasses
Blazing glasses are also available, made out of special material for protecting the eyes from the harmful radiations produced by the excessive heatings.

Heat, radiation and chemicals fill the air in the surroundings and cause harm to the facial skin and hair. Inhaling of these gases is also harmful for our respiration system. It is advisable that every worker should wear helmets for complete protection through the process.

