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Bending of Extruded Profiles during Extrusion Process

With each passing day, there is a new need arising in the industries using extrusion profiles which need to be matched with the help of continuous developments and enhancements in the extrusion process. Industries like the automotives and house building and construction industry regularly demand complicated shapes and designs, high strength, neat looks and smooth finishes in extruded profiles.

To meet these ever increasing demands, the extruded profiles need to be bended at various spots to form the complex profile shapes. Simple extrusion is fit for producing straight extrusion profile shapes, but an additional step is required in the extrusion process to successfully extrude other shapes. Expensive tools and extrusion equipment are required to produce bended extruded profile shapes involving hollow cross sections and flanges. A set of bending dies are separately required for each cross section bended extruded profile production.

All production and quality based shortcomings of the conventional processes can be curbed by using a warm bending process. The bending and the extrusion process can also be combined into one process by bending the profile during extrusion process only, when the temperatures are still high and provide easy bending of extruded profiles.

For in detail steps involved in the process of bending the extruded profiles during the extrusion process, read the complete article.

