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Maintaining Grinder Pump

Grinder pump is an equipment for waste management. Grinder pumps can be placed in the basement or in the yard because the waste water from house hold appliances such as toilets, bathtubs, washing machines flows from the pipe to the grinder pump. When the waste within the tank reaches a certain level, the pump grinds the waste into a thin mixture and moves it to the main sewer system. Grinder pumps are basically of two types, semi-positive displacement and centrifugal. Maintaining grinder pumps is also important for their smooth functioning.

These pumps do not require deterrent maintenance, but they are quite prone to greasing which causes the pump to turn on frequently on its own or will not turn at all. This might result in over flow of the tank and cause sewage to back up in yard or into the home. To avoid this grinder pumps that employ floats are generally attached with a hose so that the grease from the floats is automatically removed. Sanitary napkins, diapers, kitty litter, paint, oil should never be flushed into any drain, because it will result in blocking of the drain.

To read more about grinder pumps read here..

