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Espresso Coffee Machine

Espresso coffee machine produces the traditional Italian coffee known as espresso. Making of espresso coffee depends upon the type of machine because there are different types available. It works on four drive mechanisms, in other words an espresso coffee machine may be steam driven, piston driven, pump driven or air pump driven.

Automation Type

Semi-automatic :- Semi-automatic espresso machine uses a pump instead of a manual force to carry water. Three way valve releases the left brew pressure in the basket.

Automatic :- Automatic machines imbrute the brewed volume. An in-line flow meter is suffixed to the group head for easy automation

Super-automatic :- Super automatic machines can be well defined just by their name itself. These machines grind, tamp and draw out the espresso shot automatically. Only bean hopper is to be filled in by the person who is operating the machine with some addition of water, if machine is not connected to any reservoir.

