Stainless steel is the most preferred material for making kitchen utensils across the globe. The tough surface of stainless steel resists scratch which takes care of the hygiene factor. However, it should not be cleaned with harsh and washing scrubs. Even the steel utensils get scratched which could be a big health concern due to the possibility of microbial presence in it.
But if you take a deep insight into its medicinal properties, you might wonder realizing the fact that it can improve certain deficiencies in your body. Here are the list of properties which are worth considering.
Iron : Since steel is extracted from iron, always some amount of iron is been dissolved while cooking food in stainless steel cook wares. But, you would be glad to know that this small amount of iron maximizes production of RBCs in the body. And the amount is so less that it is totally harmless for our body.But if you take a deep insight into its medicinal properties, you might wonder realizing the fact that it can improve certain deficiencies in your body. Here are the list of properties which are worth considering.
Chromium : Our body requires intake of 50 – 200 micrograms per day. Thanks to stainless steel cook ware that each meal cooked into it provides 40 – 45 micrograms of chromium.
Nickel : It is considered to be the most dangerous and life taking metal but the composition is too less that it is harmless. However, who are allergic to nickel should completely avoid using stainless steel cook wares.
So, be careful while shopping for utensils. It is not the outer surface which matters but the inner surface is the main concern. For better heat diffusion the alluminium or brass coated outer surface it good but make sure the inner surface is steel based.