At times circulation of incomplete information leads to beliefs which are absolutely baseless or too far fetched from the actual situation. Same is the case with a myth related to rubber bullet traps. Most of the people in our society has this illusion that rubber bullet traps are fire resistant, in other words, rubber bullets berms cannot catch fire. Not many know that though the rubber bullets are treated with fire retardant chemicals but even then, those are not completely fire resistant. In reality, a full size trap on a shooting range, can collect huge amounts of un-spent gunpowder and flammable debris of paper and cardboard targets.
There are lots of other reasons which can lead to fire at a rubber bullet berm. Also, a number of scientific discoveries are taking place for tackling this hazardous problem of potential fire break out at rubber bullet traps.
For detailed information regarding the same read: Rubber Bullet Traps Do Not Catch Fire: Myth Busted
Rubber Bullets