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Brazing Defects: Causes & Types Of Brazed Joint Defects

Brazing precaution measures and guidelines have been defined and set out for the convenience of manufacturers as well as for the final users of these brazed joint products. Directions with respect to what type of brazing process to go for, what kind of brazing alloys to be chosen, how should they be put between the base metals, what brazing atmospheres to chose and what brazing fluxes to use in what form; everything has been well defined in conjunction with the desired results and their detailed specifications.

However, no matter how much care and precautions are exercised, discrepancies might be noticed in brazed joint at any stage of usage. It is important to be aware of and understand the basic brazing process being executed and enough information about the base metals and the filler metals being used in brazing. Apart from this it is important to have an in depth knowledge of what kind of defects can arise in a brazed joint, what could be its possible causes, how to pin point the defect as well as the cause and have a clear idea as to how to go about rectifying it.

For a basic understanding of how to locate the defect, types of defects and a few of the causes of defects, read the complete article.

