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Oxo Biodegradable Plastic Bags – An Alternate to Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are petroleum based product that are made synthetically and do not decompose for a very long period of time. Plastic bags are made from monomers that is an organic compound which are then combined to form polymers. Although this was the achievement in itself but non biodegradable property make them unfit for environment.

With technological advancement new types of biodegradable plastic bags are made. These are

  • Oxo biodegradable plastic bags
  • Hydro-biodegradable plastic bags

In former, an additive is blended in to plastic to make it breakable. This biodegradable plastic undergoes decomposition once open to UV rays and heat. It decomposes to give carbon monoxide, water and biomass.

It is as convenient to use as the normal plastic but at the same time not harmful to the environment. Many disposable garbage bags are made from this. Also manufacturers need not to make any changes in the plastic bag making machines as the same machines can be used to manufacturer this product. The oxo-biodegradable plastic bags are also called green plastic bags

Hydro-biodegradable plastic bags are made from starch like material but for decomposition they require bacteria and emits methane after decomposition.

The degradation of oxo-biodegradable plastic bags begins with oxidative chain reaction that is catalyzed by metal salt in the plastic.

These bags can also be recycled like other plastic bags

Benefits of Biodegradable Plastic Bags

Bio-plastic is a renewable product as it is made from biomass.
It breaks down quickly and easily.
Biodegradable plastic bags are environmentally friendly.
These can be recycled.
Less energy is required to produce them.
These are not toxic.

