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Hydraulic Laws: The Underestimated Fundamentals

Most often we tend to overlook the very basic laws of hydraulic system while repairing or troubleshooting a problem with it. Like every other scientific machinery, hydraulic machines too have certain cardinal laws which has to be kept in mind while dealing with them. Let's have a look at some of these laws:

Law 1: Hydraulic pumps are responsible for creating flow and not pressure.

Law 2: The resistance to a running flow creates pressure.

Law 3: Flow decides the actuator speed.

Law 4: Pressure decides the actuator force.

Law 5: Fluid while in pressure takes way of the least resistance.

Law 6: Heat is generated in case the fluid transfers from a high pressure area to a low pressure area (pressure drop) without performing useful work.

The importance of these rules or laws are often underestimated but the fact remains that these are the core fundamentals which form the very platform for the whole hydraulic concept. Hence, it is only essential to recognize the significance of these laws and always bring them in practice.


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