Surfing is a popular adventure sport. The unusual thrill of gliding on ferocious tides attracts a lot of people but then it also calls for a lot of attention on the precautions and safety part. Here are few Safety precautions which a surfing beginner should follow:
-The very first and the obvious precaution is never place your surfing equipment between yourself and the approaching waves.
-Stay at a safe and comfortable distance from fellow surfers by at least fifteen feet, jointly with the leash and board.
-It is essential for the beginners to either tie a leg rope to their surfboard or wear a leash for safety.
-Beginner's surfboard should be equipped with safety nose guard to avoid accidents.
-It is wise to have somebody along with you for surfing as a precautionary measure.
-Wear a rash guard, vest or tee-shirt to avoid the rubbed rashes on stomach and chest while surfing.